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EXOSOMES: Next generation skin regenerative aesthetic treatment


What are exosomes?

Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that are released by the mesenchymal stem cells. They are tiny, no more than 1/1000th of the size of a normal cell, and they contain various proteins, messenger RNA, and microRNA molecules. They do not contain DNA.

The difference between stem cells and exosomes is that they are not actual cells so cannot replicate, do not add volume, or cause host reactions. They act as signallers and regulators for cellular growth and bodily functions.

Exosome facial rejuvenation

How exosomes facial rejuvenation work

Exosomes work through angiogenesis (blood vessel growth stimulation), collagen synthesis, and reducing chronic skin inflammation (known as inflammageing process: an age-related increase in the levels of pro-inflammatory markers in blood and tissues).

Exosome facial rejuvenation can increase skin collagen in the treated areas by up to six-fold and also increases elastin levels by up to 300%. All the processes above and an increase in the collagen and elastin levels will result in:

  • reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots

  • improved skin brightness and hydration

  • healthier skin barrier

Exosome therapies usually involve a combination of ablative laser treatments, micro-needling and/or RF micro-needling with exosome application. Exosomes also speed up healing therefore is often used in psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and other inflammatory skin condition treatment.

Exosomes facial rejuvenation is an advanced in stem cell therapy without using actual stem cells but using ‘communicating vesicles’ to stimulate your own stem cells to release growth factors. They are less risky when actual stem cells as they can not trigger autoimmune or allergic reactions. They are such small particles that even through the small skin injury can penetrate the skin and work locally as well as systemically through the blood stream.

Exosome for male and female rejuvenation
Exosome for male and female rejuvenation

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